Saturday, October 8, 2011

Could It Be Worse?

the rebellion starts from now on..................................

ngerti kan maksudnya? hmm intinya minggu minggu ini sampe bbrp bulan atau mungkin seterusnya my school life is on the line. have I told you about the massive foul - up that the junior is going to make? kalo yg blm denger ya berarti you have no right to ask because I don't trust you.

itu bs dibilang sesuatu yg 'wajib' dilakukan oleh U tapi......sebagai U yang gamau cari masalah dan gamau 'ternodai' gue pegang pendirian gamau ngelakuin. lo semua jg gamau denger kabar gue ikutan macem macem negatif kan?

I'm feeling down in the dumps. just feeling so blue and sick as parrot.

fix. gue ke sekolah mau bljr, jadi pinter kaya dulu lagi. ngga mau macem macem. gamau ngikutin flow yang negatif. gue mau pegang prinsip yg drdulu ngebangun gue walaupun dampak dari prinsip itu adalah bakal jadi ansos.

gapapa kok ansos tp kan ini ansos sm sesuatu yg negatif. nothing to worry about. I may have countable friends at school but I have a lot outside school.

when you try your best but you don't succeed. when you get what you want but not what you need. stuck in reverse. tears stream down your face when you lose something you cannot replace. could it be worse?

that Coldplay's Fix You really describes how sad I really am.

that unfairness thing which always happens after something that has a big affect on everybody's life as big as something that you would do anything or die for to get it.........has gotten into me so much.

lo tau ga ulangan awal semester gue remed 8/13 pelajaran. what an idiot.

I have failed. feeling like I'm not Amira. Amira is a dreamer but right now she has stopped dreaming. that failure of getting her dream school has stopped her dreaming of being neither pilot, astronaut or doctor.

tapi.......makasih banyak buat temen temen dan of course my irreplaceable sister Fiona for helping me getting my track back. seengganya gue udh bisa senyum dikit kalo kepikiran sekolah.

sedih ya kalo flashback 3 taun lalu. gue ke sekolah senyum trs karena ada mereka. pulang sekolah diisengin Yonah. ga pas pulang aja sih.....kalo ketemu pas istirahat dia jg jail:S ah kangen Yonahbgttttttttt pernah sampe kebawa nangis inget gue sm dia dulu............I miss you hehehehe{()} :') :*

udah ah penggalauan ini tak akan pernah bisa berakhir. bye!

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