Monday, May 23, 2011

In Between Two Different Sides

hey there fellas! sorry I've been away for a while. I wasn't in the right mood to blog hehe. so yeah I'm in between two different sides, by all means I'm in the middle of two choices which sooner or later I have to choose one of them.

those choices are 47 and 70. 47 is mom's and 70 is dad's. but I've no idea what to choose. my heart says that I need to choose 70, because 70 is better though it's further but as the 1st daughter of my family I've to be much much better and stronger than my little sister, am I right? I'm not saying that 47 is bad. I really love 47 from the start and I would like to be the student of 47 also.

yeah actually I really wanna choose 70 without any doubt. I'll take the risk of going to school earlier. but my mom wouldn't let me go. some say "Mom's decision is the best after all", that's why I keep thinking what to choose. I'm afraid of being accursed because I don't listen to what my mom has said, but the ego inside my mind says "it's my decision, my school, my future, in my hand. no one can take control over my life". dilemma. some of my closest friends say that I've to choose 70. some of them also say 47-_-

mom is not gonna support me if I go to 70 because that school is fucking far, unless I don't get 47/90. btw my mom lets me to find a scholarship and going abroad to get school somewhere outside Indonesia, but I've to be a 11 grader wkwk. somehow, dad is more flexible. he says that I don't need to worry about the distance to the school, he'll get me a chaffeur if it's necessary. if i decide to choose 47, still, he will support me 100% , but he prefers 70 though he lets me to choose hehe thanks dad:') I think I am daddy's little girl HAHAHAHAHA

recently, I'm doing the 70 test. I've passed academic test, TOEFL and psychotest against 352 geeks competing for 320 seats-_-

these are my marks.
a. academic (130th position) :
- Indonesian language : 85
- Math : 66, 67
- Science : 80
- Social studies : 78

b. TOEFL (13th position) : 597

c. Psychotest, the result hasn't been revealed yet. btw, this test was totally a psycho. I need to finish approximately 400 questions, denigrate 400 damned circles and I only had less than 3 hours to do that. the result that has revealed now is my right hand has turned to red right now-,-

pretty bad. so bad-_- I'm not proud enough of what I've achieved. I could've done better, especially the TOEFL thing. I can get >600 but holy shit I'm on the damned-number position, 13th-_- but who cares right? competing to get a great school isn't about the rank that we've got, it is about we get that school or not, right? hahahaha.

well can you do me a favor? pray for me to be chosen at 70, will you? if I'm chosen at 70, I will be, officially, a student of 70, and I don't have the right to choose any other school a.k.a 47 hahahaha amin\:D/ thanks anyway guys, milovyu hehehehe

I gotta go, tahtah:*

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